Hello and welcome back! It’s the first day of 2018 and I’m excited to get this website back on track!
2017 was a rough year for Daily Photo Dose. I dealt with more copyright issues than any previous year and I decided to more or less pull the plug on the site. I thanked some of my biggest supporters with free prints and put the camera away. This year I’m doing my best to step back from dealing with theft (It’s soul crushing), and just outsource all that work so I’m completely hands off.
In 2018 I would like to try a few new things:
- Adding different kinds of content, audio, video, copy, timelapses, etc.
- Behind the scenes videos & photos
- Outtakes (what didn’t make the cut)
- Hand processed darkroom prints, and fine art prints. (lets make these photos real!)
- Sharing my editing techniques & Pre-sets
- And of course trying to keep the posts on here more “daily”.
Thank you all for your continued support! I look forward to sharing my 8th year on Daily Photo Dose with everyone!
All The best,