Daily Photo Dose

Archive for the ‘House Fire’ Category

Lethbridge House Fire – Widelux

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The aftermath of a fire that destroyed three houses just a few doors down from our home. Such a tragic and terrifying day.


Written by Nashville Photographer Jaime Vedres

November 12th, 2016 at 2:05 am

Paradise Canyon House Fire

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Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge Fire Fighters, EMS

House Fire Lethbridge

Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge FireFighter

Lethbridge House Fire

Lethbridge House Fire

FireFighters Lethbridge, EMS

Lethbridge Fire EMS

Firefighters, Lethbridge


Written by Nashville Photographer Jaime Vedres

May 12th, 2013 at 8:40 pm

What To Do When Your Image Is Stolen?

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Yesterday I stumbled across a poster for an event in Lethbridge last night. The photo used in the poster looked incredibly similar to one of my shots, so I saved it, and layered it over my original photo. Sure enough, it was my photograph.

I’ve contacted the person responsible for stealing my photo, with no response as of today. I wanted to make it clear to this person that stealing my photography is theft. I shoot photos for a living, and when people like this steal my work, It’s pretty hard to make a living. Currently a cease and desist letter has been sent to the party responsible for the theft, also a DMCA notice (for copyright infringement) has been submitted through facebook where the image was originally posted, I’m currently awaiting a response from both parties.

If you support local artists, and photographers, please leave a comment below, and I would be happy to forward them to the person stealing my work.

Thanks Everyone.

Written by Nashville Photographer Jaime Vedres

August 26th, 2011 at 2:41 pm

Copperwood House Fire

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Written by Nashville Photographer Jaime Vedres

July 21st, 2011 at 11:52 am