Daily Photo Dose

What To Do When Your Image Is Stolen?

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Yesterday I stumbled across a poster for an event in Lethbridge last night. The photo used in the poster looked incredibly similar to one of my shots, so I saved it, and layered it over my original photo. Sure enough, it was my photograph.

I’ve contacted the person responsible for stealing my photo, with no response as of today. I wanted to make it clear to this person that stealing my photography is theft. I shoot photos for a living, and when people like this steal my work, It’s pretty hard to make a living. Currently a cease and desist letter has been sent to the party responsible for the theft, also a DMCA notice (for copyright infringement) has been submitted through facebook where the image was originally posted, I’m currently awaiting a response from both parties.

If you support local artists, and photographers, please leave a comment below, and I would be happy to forward them to the person stealing my work.

Thanks Everyone.

Written by Nashville Photographer Jaime Vedres

August 26th, 2011 at 2:41 pm